2022 AZSRM Summer Meeting
No! Anyone is welcome to attend our meetings and workshops. Should you become interested in becoming a member, we can sign you up and accept dues at any time.
This meeting is being held in a disbursed camping location. We will have port-o-potties and hand washing stations on site. There will be well water available on site-it is recommended you bring your own drinking water. There will be a generator on site for cooking purposes, but it is recommended alternative power sources be used for charging devices, etc. Verizon cellular service does work at the site.
You should plan to bring your standard camping necessities (Tent, sleeping bag, propane or battery powered lighting, chair, etc.). Rain is always possible this time of year in the high country so please plan accordingly.
Dinner is provided on Wednesday night but we do ask for a donation of up to $15.00 if possible. All meals are provided on Thursday, and breakfast is provided on Friday. We do recommend you bring any snacks you may want, any dietary restrictive foods you may require, and water or drinks for non-meal times.
Wednesday, August 3
1:00 Registration
1:30 Set up camping
4:00 Welcome/Membership meeting
5:30 AZSRM fundraising BBQ dinner ($15 donation)
6:30 Silent auction opens
Thursday, August 4
8:00 Breakfast (Provided)
9:30 V Bar V tour, Bopper Cannon, V Bar V Ranch Superintendent
11:00 Discussion Panel: Collaborative rangeland restoration ideas and practices
o Kara Kirkpatrick-Kreitinger, NEPA Planner, Forest Service
o Julia Sittig, Conservation and Science Director, Altar Valley Conservation Alliance
o Joey Dahms, Forest Services, Flagstaff AZ
12:30 Lunch (Provided)
2:00 Presentations: Fire! o Managed fire on lands with multiple uses, Molly Hunter, Associate Research Professor, University of Arizona
o Grazing and fire management in timbered lands, Anita Thompson, Assistant Area Agent, Livestock/Range, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
3:00 Seedball workshop, Elise Gornish, Specialist, Ecological Restoration, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
3:45 Technology roundtable: Technology for range vegetation
o Drone based forage estimation; Jeff Gillan, Data Scientist III, Drone Pilot, University of Arizona
o Geospatial techniques for vegetation monitoring; Research Assistant Professor, BIO5 Institute, University of Arizona
6:00 Chuckwagon Dinner (provided); Bopper Cannon
7:00 Silent Auction closes
Friday, August 5
7:00 Breakfast (provided)
8:00 Camping breakdown
9:30 Travel to field tour
10:00 Coconino National Forest thinning projects
12:00 Adjourn